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Business, HR, Regi Publico Sophisticated Cloud Business, HR, Regi Publico Sophisticated Cloud

Avoiding Common Hiring Pitfalls: Tips for Hiring Managers

Recruiting and hiring the right person for a job is one of the most crucial decisions that any organization can make. A company's success is dependent on the skills, experience, and dedication of its employees. Despite this, even the most seasoned hiring managers can find themselves making costly mistakes that can have a detrimental impact on the organization.

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Business, HR, Sinead Haycox Sophisticated Cloud Business, HR, Sinead Haycox Sophisticated Cloud

How to help with employee voice through intranet software

It’s no secret that an engaged workforce provides huge benefits for employees and employers alike. Making sure that your employees feel like they are heard is an essential first step in enhancing workplace productivity. Keeping them engaged, and having a transparent relationship that includes active listening, prevents issues from forming down the line.

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