10 Tips to Help You as Blogger

SOPHISTICATED CLOUD SquareSpace Web Designer in Basingstoke, Winchester, Portsmouth, Southampton, London, Ascot, Newbury, Reading, Hampshire, Surrey, Salisbury, New York, California website

Blogging is booming right now. Many people worry that the field is becoming too saturated. I am here to assure that it is not becoming too saturated, at all. There’s room for everyone to partake in the wonderful world of blogging and to even explore other avenues such as copywriting— like I did!

I got introduced to blogging, firsthand, through an internship I did in college, and I absolutely fell in love with it! Not too much longer after I graduated from college, I decided to start my own blog about hair called “Allyson’s Place” that has since been completely revamped and renamed to “All Things Allyson”— the same name that I operate my copywriting business under! Speaking of copywriting, I started my copywriting business in January of 2022, and I must say: it has truly been an amazing experience!

Blogging teaches you so much. In addition to being a great hobby, it provides you with the amazing and unique opportunity to research and learn about topics— even those that you may be well-versed on. We often think of blogs as being informative to the reader (and they definitely are); however, blogs also end up being informative to the writer! There have been times where I was researching extra information on a topic I wanted to blog about and ended up stumbling upon wonderful tidbits of information in the process.

Starting a blog can be daunting and challenging. However, that doesn’t mean that you lack what it takes to do it! Below, I am going to give you 10 tips that helped and continue to help me as a blogger!

1. Be a Forever Student

Never stop learning. That’s when you become complacent, and things go downhill. Look for opportunities to learn. They are everywhere!

2. Do not be Afraid to Ask Questions

The Holy Bible even says, “you have not because you ask not.” Don’t be afraid to ask someone who is more experienced in your field than you are.

3. Done is Better than Perfect

I get it. I struggle with perfectionism, too. So, I understand that feeling of, “if it’s not perfect, I won’t put it out there.” While I am all for putting your best foot forward and putting care into your craft, understanding that it is okay if your first blog is 505 words and not 510 is crucial if you want to move past square one. Waiting on things to be perfect will keep you at a standstill.

4. Be Authentic

There isn’t a single person in the world that can be you better than you can. Be yourself. Sophisticated? Quirky? Serious? Guess what? There’s someone out there who meshes with that. Show up as your truest, most authentic self!

5. Put Yourself out There

I get it. You worry about whether people will accept you or not, but you’ll never know unless you put yourself out there. All it takes is that first step. Write that first blog post. Post that photo. Write that LinkedIn post.

6. Follow Who Inspires You

I follow people who inspire me on my social media pages. There’s something about seeing someone else who is doing what you want to do that is encouraging.

7. Learn as You Go

This ties into being a forever student and into knowing that done is better than perfect. You’re not going to know everything when you first start blogging. You’re not going to know everything it takes to operate a business when you first start. Being okay with learning on the way is imperative. Sometimes, you can’t wait until your ducks are in a row to move. You have to simply gather what you have and make a run for it!

8. Invest in Yourself

Invest time and energy into what you want to achieve with your blog. There are even courses out there to help you with writing!

9. Never Quit

Things may not break out for you after six months or even a year of blogging. However, keep studying and writing. Do not quit, because your time could be right over the horizon!

10. Take a Break

In a culture that tells you to work, work, work, I encourage you to ensure that you take time to rest. Resting gives you time to recharge and refresh. Furthermore, you’ll be amazed at how much resting can help you come up with new ideas for your blog!

I hope these tips are useful to you on your blogging journey. Remember that the presence of fear or anxiety doesn’t necessarily mean that you are incapable of achieving what you want! The blogging industry is never too saturated. Find your niche(s), and go for it!


Allyson Alford - Guest Blogger at SOPHISTICATED CLOUD SquareSpace web design in Basingstoke, Winchester, Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire, Newbury, Ascot, Oxford, Buckinghamshire, London, New York, US, UK