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Why All Businesses Need The 3Rs of Goal Setting

Goal setting is important for all businesses. This is because it allows a business to set achievable short term and long term goals that can help them achieve their ultimate vision for the future.

To work out how to set goals, you need to understand the four different types of business owners. They are:

  1. Those who do not believe in goal setting and just want to flow with how things are going since this is not the way the world works for them.

  2. The second group consists of individuals who have thoughts. They have aspirations and ideas, which are all evident.

  3. The third group of individuals is made up of people who believe in goal setting. They will enjoy writing down their personal and business objectives when we provide platforms for them, such as planning sessions or complementary strategic reviews.

  4. The fourth category of individuals is made up of those who adore goal setting and tend to review them on a regular basis.

Goals are simply dreams with timelines linked to them, if you are serious about the objectives you desire in your life.

Successful businesses come in all shapes and sizes, with plenty of different outlooks on the business world. However, one thing that every successful business does, is set goals.

How to write down and set business goals

If you're writing them down rather than just thinking about them, it gives you a bit more power over others. This is because it demonstrates that you are serious about making an effort to write it down. Your brain is receiving the message loud and clear that you are dedicated to achieving these objectives.

The Three R's

It's not just about writing them down and reviewing them at the end of the year or a lengthy time period. It is, in fact, making contact with your objectives on a weekly, daily basis if possible.

When you do this, it's not to ensure that you're always on track. In fact, there will be times when you are not on track. But when you look at your objectives on a regular basis, you reflect upon them, consider them and challenge them. Is this really essential to me? Because if I'm not doing it either it isn't essential to me; I don't see the value in it or just need to reset myself. And that's where the distinction between setting goals and achieving goals comes into play: allowing yourself to reset.

Rather than being guilty, rather than claiming that you're not good at keeping my promises or achieving your objectives, you must allow yourself to get back on track. There are three R's:

  1. Reviewing your objectives. Keep an eye on it as often as you can. You should do that every day, if at all possible.

  2. The second is Reflect. This is when you think about things carefully. Is this really important to me? Because if the answer is “no,” then stop thinking. It's not necessary to feel guilty about it. If the response was "yes," you know you're ready to put in the work.

  3. The third stage is to Reset. Simply reset. Champions are not the ones who always get it right. They're not the ones who establish a goal and achieve it in the first attempt. They're the ones that achieve goals are high achievers, because they review, reflect, and reset continuously.

To conclude,  if you are serious about your dreams, goals are one of the most effective means of achieving them. You'll need all three R's in order to achieve these objectives: review it regularly, reflect upon whether you're still interested in pursuing this path and reset yourself when you find that they're not working for you any longer.