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Where Is Edge Computing Taking Mobile App Development?

Mobile app development is evolving at an accelerated pace. The super-fast rate of evolution has given rise to a saturated, highly competitive, and cut-throat market. Developers constantly strive for hacks and tweaks to gain an edge over their competitors and stay at the forefront of mobile technological advancements.

One of the most crucial elements of this advancement race to stay ahead is delivering superior user experiences, which is what edge computing helps developers achieve! Edge computing is a novel and effective method of data processing and storage that is reshaping how mobile apps are developed.

We must understand that all the data we produce, transmit, and gather is stored on the servers, which are (sometimes) thousands of miles away from the end-user. The enormous distance between the end user and the data servers creates latency in our app-server-user loop, leading to an inferior user experience. A viable solution to this problem is to bring servers nearer to the users; that is what edge computing essentially does.

Edge computing brings data processing and storage close to the end users' locations, helping eliminate any latency and delivering services at the edge reliably and smoothly. It eradicates the need for data transmission, consequently removing data loss and privacy issues from the equation. It also offers benefits such as improved performance, real-time processing, quicker business insights, and shortened reaction times.

The Rise of Edge Computing in Mobile App Development

With the advancements in technology, we have seen a drastic change in customer behavior. Technological progress and customer behavior are interrelated, which creates an inherent need for innovation. As technology evolves, end users expect better results; in the case of mobile app development, it is real-time processing, higher performance, and ultra-low latency. However, achieving such feats with traditional cloud computing models is not feasible. Hence, the rise of Edge Computing.

The secondary reason for the rise of edge computing in mobile app development is its capability to integrate and utilize new technologies such as AI, ML, and IoT. Furthermore, with the advent of 5G, it can handle greater bandwidth and work seamlessly across a multitude of devices and networks while ensuring supreme data security. All these advantages and capabilities offer a remarkable promise to revolutionize how apps perform and interact with users.

Edge computing has already established itself in various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation. Statistics indicate a rapid rise in the adoption of edge computing in the mobile app sector. According to Mordor Intelligence, a market intelligence agency, the mobile edge computing market is anticipated to reach USD 1.84 billion by 2028, rising at a CAGR of 32.58% over the forecast period (2023-2028). The current market size (in 2023)  is estimated to be USD 0.45 billion.

Benefits of Integrating Edge Computing into Mobile App

  • Reduced Latency:

    We now understand the data process methods used in traditional cloud storage methods. The distance between the server and the endpoint is a fundamental determinant of data processing speed. Conventionally, the distance between the server and the user is enormous. However, edge computing eliminates this distance by processing data closer to the source, significantly improving app responsiveness, faster loading times, reduced latency, and more engaging app interactions.

  • Enhanced Privacy and Security:

    Data traversing long distances is more prone to vulnerabilities, threats, and potential leaks. On the other hand, processing sensitive data makes the exposure to potential breaches negligible during data transfers compared to distant cloud servers. This helps developers address data privacy concerns and safeguard user information.

  • Better Connectivity:

    Edge computing helps us create apps that can operate even without a stable internet connection. Poor network connectivity becomes significantly less relevant when we run a mobile app at the edge. When processing power is located closer to the source of the data, it is less likely to have lousy connectivity, ensuring better functionality with poor or unstable internet connection.

  • Data Efficiency:

    Since edge computing does not depend on cloud servers, it eliminates the need for unnecessary data transfers between devices and cloud servers, enhancing data management and efficiency. It also reduces the volume of data that needs to be transmitted over networks, helping to optimize bandwidth usage. The streamlined approach edge computing offers helps conserve energy, time, and capital and relieves the strain on network infrastructure.

 Mobile Edge Computing Adopting: Challenges and Considerations

  • Infrasture and Device Viability:

    Edge computing is as good as the existing infrastructure. Our current devices' and infrastructure's limited hardware capacity lack the extensive processing power and resources available in full-scale data centers.

  • Network Variability:

    The speed and efficiency of edge computing depend upon the quality of network connection connecting devices to the infrastructure. Therefore, the functionality and responsiveness of edge computing-dependent apps may vary due to fluctuations or inconsistencies in the quality of the network.

  • Lack of Unified Architecture:

    It is challenging to deploy Mobile Edge Computing apps across many ecosystems, networks, and data centers without facing problems because of the complex web of codebases, operating systems, deployment procedures, and practices.

  • Integration with Cloud Computing:

    From seamless data flow to processing potential, integrating cloud computing with edge commuting poses significant challenges due to its complexity. The integration gives rise to issues like data synchronization, latency management, and resource allocation, and we are yet to find practicable solutions for these issues.


Technological revolutions are often gradual. In the background of breakthroughs, there are painstaking research and development endeavors, and sometimes the progress seems incremental. However, advancements are inevitable regardless of challenges. With the evolution of edge computing, we will conquer all the challenges, and every mobile app user will have access to apps that deliver exceptional user experiences, even in challenging network conditions. The mobile app development company that embraces and leverages the power of edge computing for mobile app development will unlock exciting possibilities for mapping new frontiers of mobile app technology for both businesses and consumers.