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Unlock explosive sales growth for your Small Business with this simple 3-step copywriting formula

Sometimes, the most difficult part of writing a copy is getting started. Imagine you have a remarkable product, service, or idea, and a vision of success dancing in your mind. But as you sit down to craft messages that would ignite the hunger of your audience, you struggle to find the right words to get it going. Don't worry; you're not the first person to struggle with copywriting. According to a Facebook report, small business owners, both past and present, have faced the very same challenge.

Writing a copy isn't the same as writing an article. Or writing an essay. Or writing a professional exam. American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) sees Copywriting as a unique process that involves using strategic words to capture attention, convey information, evoke emotions, and ultimately persuade the reader or viewer to take a desired action.

This article will take you on a transformative journey, where you'll discover the secrets of crafting effective sales messages that'd drive sales growth using the simple 3-step formula.

Importance of effective copywriting for driving sales growth

Unlike regular forms of copy known for coercion and overpromising, effective copywriting relies on understanding the target audience, conducting research, identifying key selling points, and crafting persuasive messages that address the audience's needs, desires, and pain points.

Whether you’re a professional marketer or just getting started, you'd admit that if you want to convince people to do as you ask or incite their hunger to always hear from you, you need to make them a character in your message. In other words, your message has to be about them, not you. Else, they won't pay attention. And zero attention equals zero money.

Here's a little help on how to write a potent copy that gets attention, gets read, and gets you enough responses from your target audience.

The 3-step copywriting formula for small businesses

There are many different ways to write an effective copy. Each has its pros and cons, and each is best suited for certain kinds of businesses. Although this article will only expose you to that of small businesses, it'll not harm you if you're aware that other approaches exist.

To write effective sales messages for your small business, you'll have to honestly answer these three simple questions.

Question #1: What does your product do?

Answering this question will capture the attention of your readers and hook them to continue reading your copy. So your headline should reflect the biggest benefit of the product or service you're selling. it should drive home the theme of your message, and you should hammer on it from start to finish.

Question #2: How does your product/service do what you say it does? And Why does it do it so well?

One way to outstand your competitors is by differentiating what you’re selling from any other stuff your target audience had previously tried or currently found in the market. And that’s what a good "Unique Mechanism" does.

The Unique Mechanism is the unique piece, part, component, aspect, process, recipe. . .etc in your product that delivers the primary promise you’re making to your prospect. Once you've identified your prospects, their pain point(s), and the kind of solutions they’ve tried in the past, the next step is to differentiate what you’re selling them from any other stuff they've tried in the past.

That’s what a good Unique Mechanism does. It explains the REAL reason the prospect has failed to reach their desired outcome in the past. Then it shows them an amazing way to fix their pain point going forward. This new solution always happens to be tied to whatever product or service you’re selling.

Why are Unique Mechanisms important?

Unique mechanisms are vital blocks of your marketing message because they create a paradigm shift. They get a prospect who may have unsuccessfully tried different products to feel a new sense of hope that maybe this time, with the unique mechanism behind your product they’ll finally get their desired outcome.

Unique mechanisms fulfill their purpose when they make it super easy for your prospects to say 'yes' to your offerings (assuming of course, that you have a solid offer).

Take, for example, If you're selling handmade jewelry, it could be the unique wire-wrapping technique you mastered after learning from a skilled artisan in a remote village. Or If you’re a chef, it could be the unique spice blend you inherited from a renowned Indian cook. What if you're a marketer and copywriter? It could be the unique mass-attraction strategy that sends sales through the roof by as much as 79% in the first month alone, whether you’re selling to cold traffic or not.

Question #3: How fast does your product or service do what you say it does?

It's not news that human nature is designed to always seek instant gratification. Constantly looking for ways to get it now, not tomorrow, not next week. Customers are willing to spend almost any amount to make sure they get that satisfaction as quickly as possible.

The point is, when you’re writing a copy for a product or service, what you want to do is show your audience an easy, quick solution. If you do that the right way, they’ll be all ears. And once you have their ears, you’re halfway into their pockets.

If you can go halfway into your audience’s pockets, then you'll almost certainly walk to your bank with a portion of their money, if not all of it.

The simple truth is If you can correctly answer these three questions, you’ll be good enough to get people to buy what you’re selling.

How do you apply the 3-step copywriting formula in your small business?

If you've followed to this point and you're still not sure how to apply the 3-step copywriting formula in your small business, this will help.

Quickly go back to the questions (the steps). What does your product do? It builds standout websites for businesses. How? By building a website that reflects your personality, showcases your brand, and makes a great first impression. How fast? Using the Squarespace platform, your new website will be great looking, easy to use, and work seamlessly on mobile, tablet, laptop, and desktop in seven days or less.

Easy, right? Good. Now try using this formula the next time you’re writing a copy. Do it. Your copy will convert better.

Want to hire a copywriter?

If you can't do it yourself for reasons best known to you, and you’d love to bring a copywriter on board to work hand in hand with you in your business, answer these questions correctly before you hire one.

What is your business about?

Who do you sell to (your target audience)?

Do you have an email list? (tell the copywriter you're bringing on board)

What is your number #1 marketing challenge?

What is your revenue goal for this or the next quarter?

What is your budget for hiring a good Copywriter who can help you hit your revenue goals in a good time?

If you answer these questions correctly, you'd look back in a few months and you'd be grateful to Sophisticated Cloud for bringing this article your way.