The biggest secret in the world of business networking – revealed

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Have you been networking for years, but have always struggled to make a real success of it? Or are you completely new to it, and want to know how you can hit the ground running?

Either way, this secret you’re about to find out will help you get so much more out of every networking scenario you find yourself in from now on, guaranteed.

But first, let’s go back to basics…

Business networking’s all about building meaningful relationships based on trust with likeminded people, who you can share thoughts, ideas, challenges and experiences with. Ultimately, you’ll not only gain feedback, leads and referrals, but also real friendship.

It doesn’t come easily to everyone, though. Networking makes a lot of people nervous. Period. And that’s only natural! Putting yourself out there in front of a group of strangers isn’t easy. It can be challenging, as you’re making yourself vulnerable, opening up about your business to a load of people you’ve never met before.

And that’s why so many people find it difficult to make the most of each meeting – or hesitate to even enter into the networking world at all!

But once you do, and once you know how to network effectively, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner, as you’ll most definitely get a lot out of it, straightaway and in the coming days, weeks, months and years. Can you afford to let more time pass you by without knowing this key to networking success?

Absolutely not!

So, what’s this big secret?

What’s the key to networking success?

You won’t believe it’s something quite so simple…

And it’s probably something that has crossed your mind once or twice, but possibly never made it through the networking meeting doors!


Instinct tells most people to put up some kind of professional front, to show people their work selves rather than their real selves. But let’s be honest, although it may feel at the time like it’s protecting you, putting up a front isn’t going to help your fellow networkers to trust you or build that all-important relationship with you. And if they don’t trust you, why would they work with you or recommend you to their contacts?

There’s no need to be ultra-professional, as if you are, it’ll be hard to build the relationships that you’re there to build. And if you can’t build those relationships, there’s no point in networking.

Go forth and network, as yourself – as if you can’t be you, who can?

At the Academy, we help ambitious business owners, just like you, to make networking less stressful and more successful. If that sounds like music to your ears, we’d be more than happy to help you reach your business growth goals through networking.

Visit to find out more, and check out our range of really useful guides – that are completely free to download – to help you get all the networking skills you need to make the most of every opportunity.

And remember, always be yourself.




MD at Academy