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Stop Before You Make These Mistakes: How To Move and Start a Business Simultaneously

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If you want to start your own business, but worry that your home does not have ample room, it may be time for an upgrade. However, looking for a new home while beginning your new entrepreneurial endeavor can be a challenge, and there are definitely some mistakes that you should avoid. In fact, too many errors can make the whole process virtually impossible. Fortunately, Sophisticated Cloud has outlined the mistakes you should avoid, as well as some tips to make the process a little easier.

Mistake #1: Not Using a Checklist

A checklist or two can help keep you from forgetting something on moving day or the days leading up to it. After all, you do not want to forget anything for your home or your business. In your moving checklist, include:

  • Sorting

  • Purging or donating items

  • Organize documents

  • Research locations and homes that suit your business

  • Start packing

  • Research movers

 As part of your business checklist, add the online tools that could help you organize and store documents related to the company. Entrepreneurs benefit from digitizing records. When you are moving and starting a business, it keeps you from losing your paperwork in the process.

Plus, you can access your documents from the road or before you have your office set up. During digitization, you do not have to use multiple files. Instead, you can utilize a PDF merging tool to combine PDFs. That way, you’ll have all your records stay in one place.

Mistake #2: Missing Administrative Tasks

If you have not yet established your business formally, now is the time. There are several business structures available, so look into each before deciding. An LLC is very popular for news businesses, so take some time to explore the liability protection and tax benefits offered by this structure. You may even want to consult with an attorney to ensure you make the right decision for your situation. However, you can also work with a formation company that will help you make your formation decisions and file all of the required paperwork for your state.

Mistake #3: Speeding Through the Planning Process

Moving and starting a business requires much planning. Before the move, have a business plan ready. The business plan is your guidebook for success. Experts in the U.S. Small Business Administration suggest including a description of your company, what you plan to sell and how you want to structure the company. The business plan serves as a blueprint for financial institutions too. Decide on the grants or loans you want to seek and make sure that your business plan describes how you will make money.

Financial institutions want to see that you know what you are doing, so your plan should include a description of your target market and advertising strategy. How will you pay it or make sure that the money goes towards a successful venture if you receive funding? Your business plan should convince financial institutions that you have the means to succeed.

In addition to your business plan, make sure you also have a moving strategy. Begin by considering the home features that you desire the most, whether that’s granite counters or a laundry area. Decide where you want to live, how you plan to get there and what it will take to move into the new home. Working with a realtor can help you find a place that checks your boxes. Along with a realtor, consider talking with a moving company, particularly if you plan to move a long distance.

Mistake #4: Refusing Extra Help When Needed

Moving is an incredibly stressful life event. While moving could be a necessity if you cannot effectively work from your current home, you cannot expect to move and start a business simultaneously without any extra help. Well Doing reminds that there is no shame in delegating different tasks to members of your family or friend group. Ask for help with the move itself. Friends or family could help with organization, packing, pet sitting and babysitting.

Talk to your support system in advance to let them know everything on your plate. If you have a business partner, check in with him or her to determine how to split up business-related tasks while you are in the middle of your move.

Make and Follow Your Plan for Success

As you plan your move, ensure the home you choose has enough room to encompass your personal and professional life. There should be enough to keep the two separate. If you choose to tackle a move and a new business simultaneously, stay organized with lists and digitize your files using a PDF tool to keep yourself organized during the transition. When starting a business, a lot of work is involved, but as long as you avoid common mistakes, you can succeed at a move while starting a company.

Sophisticated Cloud can help you develop an online presence or embrace public speaking – whatever it takes to be heard! Reach out today to get started.