Is low self-esteem plaguing your life?

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Do you struggle with your self-image, and have negative thoughts running through your mind each day? Is your life feeling unsatisfying and you know you want so much more but don’t have the confidence to make changes? Do you feel jealous and envious of others who seem to be living the life you would love to live?

These are all symptoms of low self-esteem, and it can feel like we are stuck or trapped in a life we don’t enjoy.

When we have low self-esteem we often think negatively about ourselves, we lack confidence and play small. We may avoid asking for what we really want and find it hard to believe we are deserving of good things.

The truth is we all get to have the lives we dream of, but to get there we have to believe we are worthy of it, and take actions based on this belief. With low self-esteem we frequently self-sabotage, may avoid putting ourselves out there for opportunities, and don’t let ourselves receive the good things in life.

So, what can we do about it? Here are 5 top tips for improving your self-esteem:

1. Mindset and affirmations

Notice when you are saying unkind things to yourself and interrupt those thoughts, replacing them with loving ones. Treat yourself like you would a good friend. A positive mindset is crucial for good self-esteem, and being kind to ourselves is a simple step we can take to make changes each day. It can be helpful to have some daily affirmations you say throughout the day to support the creation of new beliefs…e.g. I am enough as I am. I see my confidence growing daily. I love so many things about myself… and so on.

It can be helpful to regularly journal on all the things you love and appreciate about yourself so that you are focusing your mind where you want it to go. Practicing saying nice things to yourself can feel confronting at first, and maybe a little uncomfortable, so start gently and know that with time it will feel more natural.

2. Self-care and good habits

Looking after yourself with a healthy diet, enough sleep and regular exercise can work wonders in building a foundation for feeling good about yourself. When we take care of our basic physical needs we are treating our bodies and minds with the respect they deserve. In turn we have better mental health and a sense of wellbeing. Exercising outdoors in nature is particularly helpful, making sure we get enough sunlight and time away from screens which also contributes to better sleep.

3. Build a support network

Having a support network of people who you trust, and can turn to for advice and feedback when you need it, really helps to build a sense of self-esteem. Knowing we belong, and are loved by others, is a crucial part of seeing our own worth. It may be a good friend or family members, or even a support group or ongoing class. If you don’t have friends you can talk to then try calling an online organization like Samaritans or Mind who offer free calls to those in need.

4. Celebrating your achievements

Taking time at the end of each day to be grateful for 10 things you have achieved that day is a great way to bring focus to all the things you are doing well. Noticing our achievements is an important part of building good self-esteem. As part of this, it is helpful to set small achievable goals that help us to build our lives incrementally and step us towards achieving our big dreams. Consistent bite size changes, and celebrating our wins, help build a sense of growth and purpose. When we have a habit of noticing all the things we are doing well it feels easier to tackle the challenges when they come as we have more of an inbuilt sense of capability.

5. Therapy/counselling

Sometimes we need to get professional help to overcome low self-esteem. If the root of the issue lies in childhood trauma or family difficulties then it may be useful to have someone to work through these issues with. A therapist will support you to heal the wounds and integrate the learnings so that you can move on with your life feeling stronger and happier inside.

Low self-esteem can make our lives feel like an uphill struggle, but taking just a few small action steps each day to make yourself feel better can have lasting results. And once you are on that upward spiral, life will just keep feeling better and better.

For 12 years Fiona found herself bed ridden with M.E and having to use a wheelchair which completely took her life and freedom away. Fiona’s life disappeared overnight. It took years of inner healing and rediscovery for her to find herself again. Through the work of Mickel Therapy, Fiona was able to heal herself. She now supports people to find their own power from within, trust their own bodies and connect to their inner wisdom so they can live their big, authentic life. Fiona has now been a self-employed alternative therapist since 2001, runs retreats, offers one to one coaching and delivers workshops online and around the country.

To contact Fiona please visit