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How You Should Do Your Business Advertisement In 2023

There are 3 different strategies you can use when selling to Cold Traffic. They are:

  • Educational ads

  • Story ads

  • Lead generation ads (Ie: Teach something valuable in your ad, then invite them to download a report or watch training at NO cost!)

Of all 3 ads, the most powerful is Story Ads. And this brings us to how we can use it the right way. In a minute, I’ll show you how it works.

I remember a particular time in High School, we were preparing for a Biology exam, and I hadn't prepared that much. So I contacted a friend to explain things to me. We had a lively discussion that day. I still remember all that she explained because she painted the biological terminologies into stories.

Stories are great for making facts stick. Have you ever heard of this? Stories sell, and facts tell. No doubt that is correct. But recently, as I was analyzing several stories, I realized many people are telling stories the wrong way which turns people off and does not sell.

Some entrepreneurs tell stories about how they love their products and by that, they forget their customers' interests.

Take a look at this example; an entrepreneur once told a client.

You know, friend, this company has been since 1950 before my dad gave it to me as a legacy. Then, we started selling beverages at first, but for some reason, our interests drifted to selling just face caps. That has been what we have been selling since my friend.

This is so bland, isn't it? The listener is probably asking, “So what? How does that benefit me?"

Now, what if we rephrase that story with good structure and make it relate to the prospects' emotions?

Let me tell you how it all began:

My grandfather happened to have a bald friend, who was so shy. He (my grandfather) was quite the opposite. He was outspoken, bold, and friendly. He needed to help his friend come out of his shyness, for they were best friends. He tried several things… from making his friend speak before the mirror, to taking him to social gatherings so that he could relate with others. But his friend's shyness didn't just go.

One day, when my grandfather was getting set for another social gathering with his friend, he saw what would change his friends' life for good.

That day, his friend happened to wear a denim jeans top and a plain pair of black trousers. So he felt he could complement his friend's dress by giving him the hanging cap made with jeans material in his room.

Well, his friend collected and wore it. When they got to the party something different happened even my grandfather was shocked! His friend suddenly became the center of attraction. His wear was perfectly complemented by the cap.

Everybody's face was fixed on him, and they wanted to be his friend. When he (my grandfather's friend) noticed this, his fear and shyness suddenly left him. He became so lively and chatted with almost everyone in the meeting. That was how he got the name MR INTERESTING.

As they walked home, my grandfather was surprised to see his old friend taking over the conversation happily. So he decided to find the reason behind this sudden little miracle. Oh yes! It was the cap. His friend has always had low self-esteem, and he felt nobody could give him that much admiration before. Luckily, the cap made his wish come true... under 30 minutes. Just by wearing the cap for two weeks, Mr. Interesting did all that he couldn't do before: He stood before a set of 500 people, pitched his idea before investors, and got himself a fiancée. Interestingly, he did all these without the cap. The cap did the trick in helping him find his strength, and that was it!

My grandfather reflected on this and that was how Classic Wears started to help people look competent, smart, and confident. Plus, make them win all the time. (The cap was fondly called the excellent luck cap). The cap is now in different bespoke designs that can make you wear any clothes.

Let me stop here. Did you notice the difference? The later story connected more, and any prospect could picture confidence, beauty, applause, or admiration upon wearing the cap.


Tell A Story That Answers "What's It For Me?"

We get upset when someone puts off an exciting radio program we are listening to. One interesting radio program everybody listens to is “WIIFM” (What Is It For Me). The moment you turn it off, many prospects will not listen to your story anymore.

Tell The Fact, But Connect With Their Emotions

A prospect silently cries, "if it doesn't appeal to my emotions, don't tell me.“ Link whatever fact or feature of your product or service to your prospect's emotion.

Tell The Story As Though You're Talking To A Friend

A complex story is not well-perceived. Don't try to be a jargon expert; try to build a relationship. How will you talk to a friend? Will you have a dictionary by your side and use humongous words to impress your friend? To make your story irresistible, simply tell him.

Tie Your Stories To Their 5 Senses

People buy because of emotions and they verify with logic. The first step to selling is to connect to their emotions. Another way of saying this is to connect to their five senses: sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling. That will help hook your prospects into reading your stories. Keywords are: visualize, feel, taste, hear, imagine, and smell...

Tell A Before and After Story

Many times, prospects are more interested in how you were or your business was before you hit the big solution. They would like to see before and after pictures. It works well in finances, health, beauty, fitness… Industries.

Make Prospects Anticipate The "What's Next?"

Ensure to incite curiosity in your prospects' minds by using emotionally triggering words.