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How to Overcome the Fear of Starting Your Own Business

Ever since I was little, I have wanted to run my own business. I have always loved being in charge, or as my parents might call it, being bossy. With two younger sisters, a dog, multiple guinea pigs, and a cat, I had plenty of subjects to share my business ideas with. 

However, as I grew up and stepped into the real world of work, those dreams of starting my own business and the confidence I once possessed began to fade away. Replaced instead by the responsibilities of paying rent, affording the food shop, and creating a career for myself. This is not uncommon. Many of us have dreams and aspirations that spark within us only to be snuffed out by the mounting pressures of adulthood. 

Despite how much you want to, starting your own business is scary. You don’t just step timidly out of your comfort zone; you have to launch yourself into the unknown. And it is terrifying. But I’m here to encourage you that often, trusting your instincts and forging your own path is just what you should do. In this article I will be sharing how you can overcome the fear of starting your own business. I hope it inspires you to take that chance!

1. Get Over What Other People Think 

Now, I’ll be honest, this has always been a hard one for me because I struggle not to care what other people think. But if you’re going to start your own business, you need to develop a thick skin because everyone (literally everyone and their grandma) will have something to say about your decision. And while some of it will be the loveliest, most encouraging feedback you could receive, some of it will fill you with doubt.

Over the years, I have learned that no matter what stage of life you’re at or what you’re doing, everyone has an opinion about it. It is within your control whether you take what they say to heart or not. 

For me, part of being an entrepreneur means doing things differently. It’s about thinking outside the box and taking the path less trodden. And to some people, it means you look a little crazy. And that’s okay. You can’t control what people think. So, it’s time to get over it and keep chasing what you want.

2. Set Goals You Can Reach 

If you are anything like me, you get so excited by a new idea that all you want to do is get started! You have dreams and aspirations and you wish you could achieve everything at the beginning of the week. But that’s not possible. 

To help you stay motivated and on track, it is important to take small steps towards growing your business. Rather than setting the goal of hiring three new employees by the end of your second year, why not start with the smaller goal of outreaching to potential candidates and striking up those all-important connections? There are so many elements to running a successful business that most people don’t even consider when they start. And so, when things progress far more slowly than expected, it can feel disheartening. It is so important to set attainable goals for yourself so that even on the harder days you can look back and see your progress.

3. Set Healthy Boundaries 

If you take away one thing from this article, it’s this; just because you’re launching a business does not mean you have to sacrifice your evenings or weekends. Society tells us that we have to work crazy long hours and essentially isolate ourselves from friends and family if we want to be successful, but in my opinion this simply isn’t true. 

Starting your own business is a chance to create the life that you want. If you want to stick to a 9-5 schedule and enjoy work-free weekends, it’s up to you to set those boundaries. I co-founded my business with my husband and let me tell you those first few weeks were tricky as we tried to walk the fine line of growing a business and nurturing our marriage. So, we set boundaries to help us. No work talk outside of working hours. No work on weekends. No work outside of 9-5 on weekdays. It doesn’t take much to set healthy boundaries but trust me when I say, it is one of the best things you can do for your health and the health of your business.

4. Never Stop Learning 

One of the biggest hindrances to people starting  business is the fear they don’t know enough. I’ve struggled with this and still do at times. There is something about becoming a business owner that welcomes those feelings of imposter syndrome and if you’re not careful they can totally drain your confidence. 

One way to counteract these fears is by committing yourself to learning more and improving your craft. As a business owner and a person, it is important to never stop learning. We can all improve ourselves and committing ourselves to learning is a great way to do this.

5. Remember Why You Started 

Even when you have been running your business for a while, it is not uncommon for fear to wiggle its way back into your thoughts. When this happens it is important to think back to why you started your business. Perhaps it was so you could spend more time with your kids. Maybe it was because you wanted to help people. Or maybe it was just because you wanted to see what you were capable of. 

Thinking back to why you started is a great way to reflect on all the little decisions that carried you to where you are. All those small but brave steps you took outside of your comfort zone. All those times you overcame doubt. All those times you pushed yourself that little bit further. Because at the end of the day, whether your business is successful or not, you will learn more than you ever thought possible.

Final Words 

These are just a few of the ways you can overcome the fear of starting your own business. Sadly, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to overcoming fear. If there was, it would be easy. However, I hope this article has encouraged you that it is possible to overcome fear and take that first step (and the many more to follow) towards making your dreams a reality.