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How to Make Your Business Launch a Success

Getting a small business off the ground and running requires a concentrated effort, and there are some missteps that are easy for first-time business owners to make. Being mindful of potential pitfalls can help ensure you’re moving in the right direction from day one. Sophisticated Cloud should be your go-to resource when it comes to web design and online marketing services.

Write a Business Plan

A business plan lays out all of the key operational elements of your business operations, and it’s also a necessary precursor to applying for a small business loan. According to the Small Business Administration, your business plan will include market research, a marketing strategy, identification of key resources needed for the business, and most importantly, a detailed budget. Your budget will help you assess what funds you need, where you will get them, and how long it will take to see a return on your investment.

Create a Marketing Strategy

Far too many small businesses think that allocating money for marketing is an option rather than a necessity. At a minimum, you need a high-quality website and a robust social media campaign. You can do this yourself, hire freelance social media and marketing experts, hire a marketing staffer, or use an advertising and marketing firm. Whatever you choose, remember that marketing is a key operational function - make wise investments and track your results so you know what works and what doesn’t work. If you’re launching a product or service, a go-to-market strategy template can help you keep everything on track and streamlined.

Avoid Doing Business With Friends and Family

When you’re getting a business up and running, it seems like it would make sense to turn to family and friends - people you respect and trust - to help you. However, this can sometimes backfire. Do these individuals have the business skills you need? Are they working for free, or are you paying them? How much say do you want them to have in how you run your business? If you start listing the things that could potentially go wrong, you’ll likely find it’s wiser to identify skilled professionals who will work in an employee capacity rather than filling the roles with familiar faces.

Hire Legal Help When Needed

According to Entrepreneur, while a small business probably doesn't need a full-time lawyer on staff or even on retainer, it’s still wise to identify appropriate legal counsel and use them when necessary. That might include when you’re putting together high-level contracts, signing lease or purchase agreements, if you’re facing a lawsuit, or you’re unsure of the legality of something. If you try to wing it, it could cost you much more than an hourly rate for a legal professional, and could even derail your entire operation.

Choose the Right Business Entity

There are a number of different business structures to choose from, ranging from a sole proprietorship, limited liability, or incorporation status. There are different protections and operating practices that come with each, so you’ll want to make a determination about what best suits your needs. Choosing the wrong one could potentially expose you to liability, so this might be an area where professional consultation is in order. You’ll also want to ensure you have the right business license, insurance, and special use permits related to your particular type of business.

Take Advantage of Technology

Tech is your friend as a small business owner. In addition to a website that’s user-friendly, you should also have an app that accepts customer payments, or you could be missing out on potential revenue. Also, remember that security is paramount when it comes to handling financial data and processing customer payments. Authenticate bank account API can be very helpful, allowing for bank account and routing numbers to be instantly verified when customers pay via ACH. This can be integrated in a user-friendly way with any ACH processor including Stripe and Dwolla.

When it comes to launching a business, everything from applying for funding to hiring and training the right people will have a notable impact on your success. Conduct your due diligence so you can sidestep any potential start-up problems.

Sophisticated Cloud helps companies create an impactful online presence designed to drive new business development. Visit the site to learn more and reach out for a consultation.