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How to earn extra income

During the pandemic, many individuals lost their jobs and developed several ways to expand their creativity with bringing in an income for their household. Though we are no longer in that stage of the pandemic, there may still be a need for individuals to find ways to become creative with bringing in an income. Perhaps there is an unexpected job loss, maybe an unexpected demotion, and an extra income is required, there are several reasons why we may find ourselves in need of creativity with working from home to bring in extra income.

There are various side hustles that many people don’t consider. But these practical steps can keep the rent paid, food on the table, and clothes on the children.

But just how can this be accomplished? Where does one begin to start or look? We have compiled a list of jobs that anyone can do from the comfort of their home to bring in extra income for their family when they find themselves in such a situation. We have tried and tested each and every one of these suggestions, and they have all worked for us.

1. Selling items in your closet

Yes, you heard this correctly. Selling items in your closet is an untouched goldmine for millions of families. Have your children outgrown clothes, and they’re in great shape, but piling up in your closet? Do you have clothing in great shape, but they’ve become too big, too small, or you just don’t like the style? Let those clothes bring in some extra cash for your household! But how?

There are many apps out there that assist with selling your gently used clothing and it makes it very easy for you. Here are a few apps that we recommend: Posh Mark, Mercari, Depop, Etsy (for handmade), and Offer Up.

With the exception of Etsy, these apps all allow you to post your items on their platform for FREE. You pay a percentage once your item sells. And they will even provide you with a shipping label to ship your item to the Customer. If there are any Customer issues, they will assist you with resolving them.

2. Teaching Children via Zoom

With distance learning being the new normal, there are several ways to work from home and help young ones and parents to meet this demand.

Do you know a second language? You can teach this language to young ones via Zoom and get paid for your time. You enjoy video games? You can actually teach young ones how to win these games, and get paid for your time! Do you have a favorite recipe you’d like to teach young ones? Get paid to teach it! Sounds too good to be true? Its’s not! Check out for all the available classes, as well as classes you can create!

3. Creating Shirts for Amazon

If you can draw, then this side hustle is for you! You can actually earn a profit while you sleep. There is NO cost out of your pocket, and it is pure profit. Amazon will allow you to take your drawings, upload them online onto their shirts and accessories, and Amazon will sell them on their website and deposit the royalties directly into your bank account! It’s a win-win! The drawings belong to YOU, you are not selling the rights to your drawings, you are just making shirts and accessories to sell. There is no buying, no shipping, no Customer Communication, no handling returns on your part; Amazon does it all! Check it out at

4. Narrating Books for Audio Books

If you have a bit of acting experience, or a great reading voice, this side hustle may be for you! has a host of Authors looking for individuals to record their voices narrating their novels to turn them into audio books. If you enjoy reading, this may be a great side gig for you.

Check out: for all of the requirements. Go to the “Narrator” section to obtain details and how to apply. Please note: When the site refers to a “Producer”, that is the same as a “Narrator”.

5. Creating Children’s Books

If you can get a little bit creative, this may be a side hustle for you! It’s $0 out of your pocket, and all ongoing royalties. It’s creating Children Books and uploading them to Amazon. When the book sells, Amazon prints, Amazon ships, and Amazon deposits royalties into your account. You never have to think about the book again! You’re free to create as many as you’d like!

To get started, create a publishing account at Then use an app or program such as Canva (or any other program) to create your book in a pdf format for upload. Amazon will assign your book an ISBN number, and you’re now an official published Author!