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Five Mindset Shifts to Help You Grow Your Business

You can do whatever you put your mind to’ may sound cheesy but it really is true. Same goes for ‘the only thing in your way is yourself’. So often our mindset really is the one thing stopping us from achieving our goals and fulfilling our potential. And while it’s not something you can easily change with the flick of a switch, it’s definitely more than possible. Sometimes all we need is a little nudge in the right direction.

Start taking responsibility

It’s very tempting to deflect the blame when things go wrong. Late to work? It’s the bus’ fault. Missed a deadline? It’s because someone didn’t reply to your email. Customer order arrived damaged? The courier’s problems. And whilst some of these issues may not be completely your fault, you’re the one that chose that route to work, didn’t pick up the phone to chase them and chose that courier. Even if the situation is totally out of your hands, how you decide to react to it is your responsibility and can genuinely make or break a project.

Ask yourself: what can I personally do to fix this situation and avoid it happening again? What can I learn from this? What can I do better next time?

Being honest with yourself and taking responsibility for your actions is the key here!

Stop giving into fear

Everybody feels fear; no matter how successful, talented, or confident… we all get scared of the unknown. When running a business, fear of failure, success, what others might think, amongst others, becomes very apparent.

This is completely normal, however, don’t let it stop you. Embrace it. Starting a business is scary, of course it is, you’re exposing yourself to a lot of risk, but by acknowledging this fear and fighting through it instead of giving in, not only are you championing yourself, you are also allowing yourself to grow.

Believe in your products and yourself above all else

If you don’t believe in your products or the services you’re offering, then why should anybody else? When things go wrong, as they will (we have to be realistic), you need to possess an unshakable self-belief that will keep you pushing through the hard times. At the end of the day, it is only you who will get you through the hard times and drive the business forward. You cannot do this while only half-heartedly rooting for yourself, so make sure that whatever products or services you’re launching, you actually fully believe in them.

Don’t give up

As business owners we put way too much pressure on ourselves. It’s super important to know that it’s okay to not feel motivated 100% of the time. Just because you’re self-employed and took the massive leap, it doesn’t mean you will enjoy every second of it. You will face some days that are better than others, and that is to be expected in the entrepreneurship roller-coaster. When things get tough, go back to the point of believing in yourself and your offer, and stay away from wanting to throw the towel in!

Taking time off is productive

You might feel the pressure to keep on hustling day after day, working late nights and into the weekends. And when things get tough, one of the best things you can do for yourself and your business is actually to take a break - and you deserve one! Stepping away and clearing your mind for a few hours, days or weeks, can give you all the clarity you need to look at your business with a new perspective, focusing on the bigger picture. Not only that, it will do wonders for your mental health, stress levels and even creativity.

If you wake up one morning really not feeling it, do the urgent tasks and take a duvet day. If you have been struggling with this for a while, try some self-discipline. Usually, it’s hard to start working but once you start, the little wins will re-energise you. Other things to try are investing in a coach or setting up an accountability group to keep you on track! It’s tough out there but if you persevere, you’ll make it through. Yes, it’s much easier said than done but every single person with even an ounce of success has been there. Don’t give up on your dreams just yet, you’ve got this.