Essential Web Design and UI Trends to Follow In 2023

SOPHISTICATED CLOUD SquareSpace Web Designer in Basingstoke, Winchester, Portsmouth, Southampton, London, Ascot, Newbury, Reading, Hampshire, Surrey, Salisbury, New York, California website

It is a known fact that you simply cannot provide a great user experience without an exquisitely designed user interface. The first thing users see on your website is the overall design and outlook, leaving a lasting impression on them.

Poorly designed websites say a lot about business credibility as well as their reliability in offering high-quality products and services. This is how our human minds are wired, and no wonder this criterion of judgment is applicable universally across industries.

According to a recent study by Intechnic, every $1 invested in UX brings around $100 in return which translates to a whopping 9,900% in ROI (return on investment). Furthermore, the top companies leading in user experience outperform the S&P index by 35%, and a well-designed user interface can raise website conversion rate by 200% and 400% for better UX design.

Moreover, a 60% increase in sales was observed by design-centric companies, while 80% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

In light of this information, let's take a quick look at some of the essential web design and UI trends to follow for 2023.

  • Absurd and Unique 2D Illustrations

Users nowadays are looking for something unique that is different and distinguishable from others. Unique and absurd 2D illustrations offer your website to carry a differentiated personality of its own that can help it to stand out from the competition. Take the Discord website, for example. It has its own style of 2D illustration that is utilized throughout the website, from the login page to the user page.

 It feels different, and therefore it creates an impact that is noticeable. You don't have to be good at illustration, but they should follow a certain style that makes them unique. This way, users can instantly identify you.

  • Customized 404 Pages

There is an incredible range of things you can do with broken links and 404 pages. You can add color to them that resonates with your brand theme and add additional options like links for visitors who accidentally run into them. This can include a direct link to go to the home page or dedicated links to specific landing pages that perform well and even your blog.

You can also make things interesting by offering a light-hearted message, apologizing to the viewer, and requesting them to look for something else on your website. Plus, you can customize 404 pages further by adding a search bar to make things easier for them.

  • Dark Mode

People nowadays are falling in love with dark mode. Hence even if you are not a fan, you can always give your visitors the option with a switch button to go dark mode on your website. Facebook, Google, and Twitter all offer them, so why not join the bandwagon as well.

However avoid using pure black or extremities in shading colors. The high contrast can make things painful to look at. It would be best to use less saturated colors on top of black backgrounds to give a more pleasant feeling and put less strain on the user's eyes. However, most important of all, always test your design first before making it available to the public. 

  • Experimental Typefaces

Experimental typefaces do make you offer a unique look to your website, although I sincerely advise caution for using them as your only font. This is because while you can use experimental typefaces for your large headings that are clearly visible, it is still recommended that you use normal, reader-friendly fonts for the majority of your website.

You don't want readers to be squinting their eyes for fonts that are used in the body text or those used for product descriptions. The smaller the fonts get, the simpler they should become for readers to easily comprehend them. Hence use experimental typefaces for a fun factor only, and they can be appropriately used for your H1s and H2s.

  • Immersive 3D Visuals

This is an approach that is more relatable to the creation of eye candy. Immersive 3D visuals, however, can be used scarcely to create the WOW effect for your audiences. Other than plain or simple transitions can also do wonders.

However, when you plan to incorporate immersive 3D visuals to your website, make sure that you don't fall short or find excuses for discrepancies. Go out and stay in style but avoid shortcomings. It is not like you have to use them throughout your website. One or two spectacles in your entire presentation can also prove to be quite powerful for audiences.

  • Minimalistic Approach

There is a certain elegance in simplicity that no one can ignore. However, applying a minimalistic design is both art and science. It would help if you kept only those visuals that serve a certain purpose. Then there is the use of adequate white space in your design that makes your website look simple yet elegant.

Cramming too much information on your landing pages and even your homepage can prove to become a headache for your online visitors. Again, however, once you selected a minimalistic approach, try out different variations and test them out to see which one delivers the most punch.

  • Mobile First Approach

Mobile-First Approach in web design and user interface simply refers to prioritizing your website's layout and visual structure as experienced on a smartphone.

Once you are able to develop that design for mobile phone users, then you continue further development for its exquisite appearance on other devices. It is just as simple as that.  

Young learners who opt for an academic writing service know for a fact that the majority of people nowadays often use their mobiles to go online and do searches.

  • Onboarding Experience

You can also use your web design or user interface to provide a nice onboarding experience for new sign-ups and first-time users. Here you can offer them smooth transitions and gleeful messages to welcome them to your brand and business.

Ask for their user preferences or provide them with options to related their choices and how they want to use your website. Make them feel good. Pupils who opt for a cheap dissertation writing service would also encourage an onboarding experience that guides them throughout the process until they become familiar with the user interface.


  • Personalized Experiences

Both Netflix and Pinterest do a fine job of asking users about their preferences and topics or titles in which they are interested. Based on user choices, the said websites offer them recommendations. Personalized experiences can really make your customers feel that they are important to you. Imagine an e-commerce company doing that, and you can see where I am getting at.

  • Voice User Interface

The power of voice technology is evident since many people are falling in love with the convenience of using their voices to dish out commands without typing in a single word. Websites that plan to incorporate voice user interfaces are surely going to get all the attention they need in the coming years.


When it comes to impacting customers' perception of your business, design and user interface play a crucial role by creating lasting impressions that influence their decision to do business with your company.

There is no denying the fact that companies with bad UX lose a tremendous amount of opportunities with their customers and that majority of businesses around the world lose their customers for not offering an appropriate user experience.

I hope this post was helpful in offering you some meaningful insights regarding some of the latest web design and UI trends you need to keep an eye out for in 2021. That's it for now. Cheers, and all the best for your future endeavors!


Melissa Calvert - Guest Blogger at SOPHISTICATED CLOUD SquareSpace Web Designer in Basingstoke, Winchester, Portsmouth, Southampton, London, Ascot, Newbury, Reading, Hampshire, Surrey, Salisbury, New York, California website