Decisions, Decisions: Tips to Choose the Right Degree Subject


In 2022, the most popular university subject in the UK was Business and Management, with Law, Psychology, and Engineering being other well-loved options.

Picking the degree you want to pursue at university is no easy task. It will determine the city you’ll move to, it will influence the modules you can study, and it will affect your future career opportunities. No wonder it’s such a difficult, overwhelming choice.

However, there is no need to worry, as there are plenty of degree possibilities out there that are likely to tick all the right boxes. And once you’ve identified the perfect course, you will finally find yourself living in a friendly uni accommodation in Leeds, Newcastle, or elsewhere in the country.  

Abodus Student Living, the expert in providing homely student flats across the country, shares some precious tips on how to identify the degree subject that best suits your goals and ambitions.

Think about your interests

One of the first things to keep in mind is that, when enrolling at university, you are signing up for a course that will last at least three years.

Although it may not seem much, spending all this time studying a topic that doesn’t tickle your curiosity can take its toll on your motivation and general well-being. This is why Aaron Kirkwood, head of sales and marketing at Abodus Student Living, suggests opting for a subject that you have an interest in.

“Thinking about what you enjoy doing on a day-to-day basis can provide you with an initial clue on what degree subject is tailored to you.

“If you’re a wiz at coding or solving technical issues, Computer Science might be a good shout. Or if you’re keener on writing stories and reading literature, an English course could be more up your street.

“Some students feel like they need to pick a degree that’s more likely to secure them a profitable job after graduation. But while we understand the logic, a head-over-heart decision isn’t always necessarily the most sensible solution.

“Studying something you’re passionate about can bring an unmatched sense of personal fulfilment and satisfaction. Not to mention that you’ll feel more motivated to succeed and do well, which in turn will positively impact your academic performance and overall university experience.”

Do some online research

As with all big decisions, research is key. Some people are lucky enough to know exactly what they want to do. Others, instead, need a bit more inspiration to find a course that takes their fancy.

Online research can be a useful way to discover what various universities across the country have to offer, from modules and course structures to programme requirements and placement years. Consulting digital handbooks is a great idea, too, as they are likely to offer a breakdown of the compulsory and optional subjects you can expect to study.

Remember that you don’t necessarily have to stick to traditional subjects that most people go for. By searching the web, you might find a less conventional degree option that speaks to your soul.

For example, if you would like to work with animals in the future but don’t have the stomach to be a vet, you could consider Animal Behaviour and Psychology. Or if a combination of art and science is what makes you tick, then Horology – the study of time measurement – could be a niche choice that will make you stand out in the professional world.

Ask for advice

While the final decision should always be yours, there is nothing wrong with asking parents, friends, teachers, and loved ones for some initial inspiration.

For instance, your school tutors might be a first port of call. Teachers might be able to point you in the right direction as, based on your academic performance and exam results, they will have a sound idea of what your strengths may be.

Likewise, friends and family could draw your attention to personal skills and abilities you’ve ignored. If they see you as a calm, rational, and logical person, a science-based subject could be a solid choice to match your personality.

What’s more, if you already have a specific goal industry in mind, you might want to get in touch with a professional who works in the sector. As well as asking for general advice, you could ask them what they studied at university and what modules they did to specialise in a certain field.      

Preferred learning style

Another factor to take into consideration is your preferred style of learning. Do you thrive reading manuals and writing essays? Or do you like getting messy and creative with more practical work?

Depending on your preferences, you might be able to spot what degree subject is more in line with your favourite approach to learning.

For example, subjects such as History and Philosophy might involve spending hours leafing through books, memorising facts, dates, and notions from the past.

But if being sat at a desk is not your cup of tea, and you’d rather crack on with lab experiments or videomaking, practical courses will float your boat a tad more.

Choosing the perfect university course can cause a few headaches. If you’re stuck and are unsure about what steps to take next, don’t worry – you’re certainly not the only one.

The good news, however, is that there are plenty of things you can do to clear up your mind. From doing extensive online research and asking loved ones for advice to following your interests and passions, there are several factors that will provide you with a good, enlightening clue.




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