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Building A Brand With No Audience: Brand Strategy Tips

A brand is more than just a name or a logo. It’s the identity of a company or product that is communicated to the public. A strong brand can build loyalty and trust among customers, and it can also attract new business.

Many startups and small businesses think that they don’t need to worry about branding because they don’t have the budget for it or it's something they can focus on later down the road. However, this is a mistake. Even if you don’t have the money to hire a branding agency, there are still many things you can do to build a strong brand and online presence to attract what I like to call your 'super fan.'

For example, let’s say you’re launching a new product. If you have a strong brand, people will be more likely to perceive your product as high quality and trustworthy. They’re also more likely to remember your product and come back to buy it again in the future because of the trust you have built into your Brand's Story. Building a strong brand can be especially important for small businesses and startups, but if you're an established business looking for an edge above your competitors then you should consider a Brand Refresh. A strong brand can help any business stand out from the competition in its industry and make a good impression on potential customers.

Building a brand can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, there are still many things you can do to build a strong brand.

Here are some tips for building a brand with no audience:

1. Define your brand

This is your 'WHY' statement. Why are you selling this product, what value can it bring to your ideal client? Ask yourself these questions even if you don't have a business name yet. It can often help when generating ideas.

2. Do your research

Building a Brand from scratch can be tricky especially if you have no idea who you're selling/speaking to. If you're trying to reach 'everyone' then you more than likely will reach 'no one at all.'

It's important to do some research into what your target audience, your super fan, is looking for. How do you do this you may ask? Well, it's not as complicated as you may think! Talk to your circle of people. Make a social media post asking what people are looking for. The important key here is to get inside the mind of your potential user. Think like them. Shop like them. If I was going to be designing my brand today I would know that it's going to cost a minimum of what I charge +. I would want to work with someone who has a good reputation, proof of their work, and someone who is personable and easy to talk to. These are all reasons why R. Designs even became a business. I gained clients through referrals from other clients! If you make it a pleasant experience then people are happy to share your name.

3. Be consistent

I often see small businesses have inconsistent images and messaging across their channels. Your Website should be the giant willow tree to which you use Social Media as branches back. Make your Brand consistent across all of these. Stick to a color palette. A Memorable logo. I once heard a famous logo designer say that if someone can't recreate your logo after looking at it for 1 minute then it's forgettable.

It's not enough to have a 'pretty logo' or 'typeface business name.' Think about some of the most famous brands in the world. When I say Nike what images come to mind? When I say apple what do you think of? These are all important factors when you're working on design or hiring a Brand Designer.

4. Be unique

This is a part of that memorable factor again. I'm not sure there is such a thing as completely original anymore since design can be so easily influenced by everything around us, but being unique to your industry is important. What sets you apart? This is where your Brand's Story comes in too. What are your experiences? These are all things that can build trust.

5. Tell your story

I've talked a lot about your Brand Story. This is defining your brand and the human experience behind it. You need to decide what your brand is and what it represents. What are your core values? What do you want your customers to think of when they think of your brand? Your brand should have a story that customers can connect with. Why did you start your business? What are your goals?