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Being comfortable with being uncomfortable – how to expand your comfort zone

It is none of your business what someone else believes, especially if they believe in something completely different from you. Don’t take it up yourself to control what they should say or think or do. Instead trust them to find their own way and let it be a way different from yours.

We are each playing our part in the great orchestra of life. You are not the conductor, so do whatever you can to focus on playing your instrument and trust others to play theirs too.

As humans we are cyclic beings, like the rest of nature; and as cyclic beings we are not meant to stay the same. We know that change is scary. It is uncomfortable. And the challenge is to being comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Many of us would prefer to avoid with being uncomfortable altogether. But to avoid the uncomfortable is to avoid growth, and to avoid growth is to avoid our own true nature. And if we avoid our true nature we will fall out of flow with life. Things get stuck in our life and our body. Therefore we must endeavour to learn to get comfortable in the uncomfortable. And only by leaning in to conflict with an open heart, growth can come.

The trick is to stay in it, not to fight, flee, or freeze. To commit to being in the uncomfortable and find a way to open your heart; to have love and expansion as the destination. As many of us, I had to learn each and every day to get comfortable in the uncomfortable.

I grew up not being comfortable in uncomfortable conversations or situations. Avoiding conflicts above all else. When conflict hit, I froze, shut down and did everything I could to get out of the uncomfortableness. I had learnt to be scared of being in the uncomfortableness of conflicts and disharmony. But the great thing I have discovered is that often the uncomfortableness we experience in relationships is actually an invitation for transformation.

This may result in a new, deeper, and more fulfilling chapter in the relationship or it may result in a healthy ending, creating space for the destined new. But it does generally require two willing parties who want to be transformed through it. But in order to be transformed through it we must find a way to move through the fight, flight, freeze response; otherwise we will continue to repeat the same thing over and over again, and find ourselves circling around and around and around. Or we will simply avoid fully living life, and when we do that, part of us dies.

My call to action is to invite all parts of you to be present; to learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, because this is how we grow together.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Does this resonate with you?

How comfortable are you with being uncomfortable?

When you get uncomfortable do you fight, flight or freeze?