All you need to know about Browser Automation


Working in today’s fast-paced world can be daunting. There is so much to do and very little time to accomplish everything on our to-do list.

Thankfully, automation is fast becoming a solution available to everyone.

Activities such as filling out forms and job registrations are no longer tedious. And complex activities like scouring the Internet for information have now been automated. 

What is Browser Automation?

Automation replaces human work in repetitive, tedious tasks, and minimizes the number of errors. 

With the right automation tools it is possible to automate browser tasks, web testing, and online data extraction, to fill forms, scrape data, transfer data between applications, and generate reports.

Real estate companies with changing listings, hospitals with data processes, and anyone with order entry or the need to find and use data, all rely on automation tools to perform essential functions and stay competitive.

How does Browser Automation work?

Browser automation aims to mimic how people use web browser to automate repetitive scenarios.

Web browser automation tools work by recording the series of steps that make up a specific transaction, and then play it back by injecting JavaScript into the target web pages, and then tracking the providing the results.

These web automation tools resemble macros, but are much more flexible and sophisticated.

Small businesses, as well as huge enterprises, benefit from web automation solutions.

How can Browser Automation help you

Browser automation enables you to programmatically control a browser.

For example, you could do some of the followings:

  • Log into your online banking account to download statements on a periodic basis.

  • Observe product pricing updates on an online store to discover the best time to purchase a particular product.

  • Use of pricing intelligence to know what the pricing on other sites is.

  • Write functional tests or acceptance tests against a website you develop, in order to validate user functionality.

  • Complete a long and tedious HTML form which typically requires repetitive manual entry.

  • Companies also monitor their brand, sentiment, and mentions to track what people are saying, and thus the value of their brand and their reputation.

Browser automation can also be used for more personal applications, including:

  • Notifying on weather conditions on predefined times

  • Aggregating digest of social network updates

  • Deployment automation in hobbyist projects

  • Keeping tabs on online resources

  • Building complex reminders


Don’t be left behind in this fast-pace world. If you are time poor, and your business requires a boost in automation the repetitive tasks of every day, you should consider Browser Automation as a solution to speed up your work flow and reduce the risk of human errors.