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5 Cyber Security Tips For Small Businesses

Nowadays, the internet is a major tool for small businesses, just as much as it is a massive threat to those same companies with no cyber security protection.

Since hackers have become so intelligent and skilled at infiltrating computers, all small business owners must be careful not to inadvertently open their companies up to potential infiltration.

There are many ways in which cyber security issues can harm small businesses, from identity theft to the loss of sensitive data.

However, the following are five of the most important cyber security tips for small businesses.

1. Invest in IT Support

With reliable and efficient IT support, your business will be better protected against malware, viruses and hackers.

As soon as your business notices anything suspicious, IT support will be there to help you determine what to do, rather than you trying to determine what to do on your own.

It's also handy to have IT support on hand to help with updating systems and software. It's important to keep this updated because hackers are always on the look for software and systems that have been left out-of-date, so they can exploit these vulnerabilities.

2. Don't Open Suspicious Email Attachments Or Files

Hackers spread viruses by sending seemingly innocent looking email attachments or files which actually contain malicious code.

If you receive an email that seems suspicious in any way, don't open it!

Very often, hackers will send emails from hacked computers or accounts that look like they're coming from a friend or colleague with the intent of getting you to open the attachment.

It's vital that everyone employed by your business is wary of these emails and scams that appear real, as one click could cause a lot of damage to business systems.

3. Keep Your Passwords Strong And Unique

Hackers can gain access to your entire business network if they are able to access your email account, which is usually the weakest link in terms of cyber security.

Another way hackers gain access is by guessing or cracking weak passwords, so it's important that you choose strong unique passwords for all email accounts and other important applications.

It's also smart to change your password frequently since hackers can guess a password if it's been used for a long period of time.

It's suggested that you send out reminders to staff every few months to change their passwords. This means that there's much less chance of any accounts being hacked into.

4. Install A Firewall On Your Network Router

A firewall is a must have in today's day and age because it will protect your company from hackers trying to infiltrate the network used by all computers within the business.

A firewall also protects servers which are an integral part of business operations.

5. Use Only Reliable Anti-Malware Software

Anti-malware software is another crucial part of cyber security.

As hackers gain access to more networks, they are able to steal information or download malware onto computers without the owner knowing what's happening.

When you use anti-malware software, your computer will be able to delete any malware or viruses it detects, so hackers will not be able to steal sensitive personal information.

As you can see, cyber security is crucial for all small businesses looking to protect both their data and the company itself.

Implementing just a few of these tips above will allow your business network to operate more efficiently and safely.